Ko wai mātou
Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei are the tangata whenua of Te Kahu Tōpuni o Tuperiri, central Tāmaki Makaurau. We as tangata whenua hold mana over the land and sea being underpinned by take tupuna (ancestral relationships), take raupatu (taking of the land and sea by traditional warfare), ahi kā (unbroken occupation) and tuku whenua (traditional gifting of land).
He hononga e kore e whati, he hononga e kore e riro.
We hold firm to our mana motuhake, history, culture, identity and language. Consisting of approximately 7000 registered whānau members, we celebrate our direct lineage from our common tupuna Tuperiri and the legacy our many tūpuna have left behind. This legacy is what has enabled our strong and everlasting connection to our whenua, our rohe and to each other.
Ko Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei e ngunguru nei.
Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Group
Today, the collective affairs of Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei are looked after by the Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Trust and subsidiaries Whai Māia (Social arm) and Whai Rawa (Commercial arm). These entities exist to support and serve our people, which is why our whānau remain our priority.
Ōrākei Marae
Steeped in history and surround by spectacular views over looking the Waitemata Harbor, Ōrākei Marae is the cultural hub for the people of Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei. Ko Tumutumuwhenua te whare tūpuna. Ko Te Puru o Tāmaki te wharekai. Ko Ōrākei te marae. -
Trust Board
The purpose of the Trust is to receive, administer, manage, protect and govern the Trust’s assets to ensure the cultural, commercial and social development of Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei for the benefit of it's members. -
Whai Māia
Whai Māia is established as a charitable entity responsible for the social and cultural development of our people. With a focus on whānau outcomes and managing a large number of programmes covering areas such as health, education, small business and employment. -
Whai Rawa
Whai Rawa is the commercial investment company of the Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei group responsible for protecting and growing our commercial assets.
Sun 23rd March 2025
Tangaroa ā Roto
Build relationships. Talk about your ideas. A good day to indulge yourself. -
Kōrerotia Te Reo
Haere mai e te Rākau a Whakatau kia mihia koe e tō rahi, e whai nei i ō tapuwae
Come hither oh great warriors so you may be greeted by us that follow your footsteps
Hapū Registration
We are Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei, one of the hapū (sub-tribe) of the wider Ngāti Whātua iwi. Consisting of approximately 7050 registered whānau members, we celebrate our direct blood lineage from our common tupuna (ancestor) Tuperiri.
Click the button below to register with our Hapū or update your details.