Ōrākei Masterplan

The intent of the Ōrākei masterplan is to pull together the work to date, understand how whānau want to live with the whenua, and realise the potential of Ōrākei by directing both current opportunities and future opportunities in a way that leads towards a collective vision for Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei. This has been done through analysis, wānanga, visioning, and forward planning.

This masterplan and document sets out to:
– Establish an iho, unifying idea.
– Create a framework that informs future decision making and focuses
development opportunities towards a greater holistic outcome.
– Provide a series of activation, project and initiative recommendations that support the iho, including direction on prioritisation, implementation and delivery.
– Show bold, visionary imagery to communicate ambition for the future
state of the whenua at Ōrākei and provide a blueprint for development
throughout the rohe.
– Inspire kōrero within Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei around potential of the whenua to meet the needs of future generations and see beyond the problems of today.
– Encourage key decision makers within Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei to become champions of the iho