HIKO Haerenga

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Hiko Iwi Electric Initiative

Hiko is the newly introduced Iwi Electric initiative that aligns to the shared commitment of Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei to te taiao. Promoting not only a greener mode of transport but the benefits on sustainability and economic advances for whānau.

Three (3) electric Hiko vehichles were purchased to serve as a shared waka kaupapa based at Ōrākei Marae in 2024. Allowing whānau the ability to use the Hiko EV for special events and iwi kaupapa.

HIKO HAERENGA a roaring campaign where whānau content creators trialled the waka and shared to social media ‘A week in the life with the Hiko Iwi EV’. Showcasing the waka used on a variety of trips from different whānau perspectives.

The success of engagement on this content heightened the demand on the use of the Hiko Iwi EV and we are excited to get this kaupapa up and running! 


Hiko EV Charging Station

Supporting our Hiko EV initiative, we have installed three (3) EV charging stations at Ōrākei Marae, in the vicinity of the carpark beside Tumanako House. The installation was complete at the beginning of April, 2024.

These charging stations are exclusively for the use of authorised Hiko Iwi EV users and are not open to the general public. Access will be controlled to prevent unauthorised use. To ensure compliance, we'll also install clear lined parking spaces and signage stating 'Private Charging Station: Towing enforced for unauthorised vehicles'. 

Hiko Booking System

Currently, a booking system is in the developmental and trial stage. This system will enable whānau to conveniently reserve a Hiko EV and will be introduced over the next year.

Terms and conditions apply. More information about the booking system will be available soon.

HIKO - Driver Safety 101