Whānau Navigation Services

The Whai Māia Whānau Navigation Service is a service that is whānau led, whānau centric, consent driven and based on a holistic process of engagement, assessment and planning that ensure whānau are the leaders of their own hauora journey. It is a mana enhancing service that provides advocacy, support, guidance, and awhi to enable whānau to navigate services, agencies and resources to help them achieve their goals and aspirations ie housing, finances, employment, relationships, health and more.

Our Services

The navigators (kaiārahi) are made up of various role (community connectors, social workers, housing supports and other) whilst they all have different skill sets and focuses, they all provide support via navigation.

The kaiārahi allocated to you and your whānau will walk alongside you to help you reach your goals and aspirations. They will support you to look at ways to remove barriers and improve access to agencies, services, resources that will ultimately improve your whānau hauora. Kaiārahi are focused on building networks within the community, to collaborate and help to open pathways/doors that can support your whānau hauora plan, these connections and matauranga can help to fill your whānau kete of knowledge.

The kaiārahi allocated to you and your whānau will walk alongside you to help you reach your goals and aspirations. They will support you to look at ways to remove barriers and improve access to agencies, services, resources that will ultimately improve your whānau hauora. Kaiārahi are focused on building networks within the community, to collaborate and help to open pathways/doors that can support your whānau hauora plan, these connections and matauranga can help to fill your whānau kete of knowledge.

The Kaiārahi will introduce you and your whānau to a holistic assessment tool that will assist you to realise your own strengths, your challenges and needs and from that support you to develop goals to reach your whānau potential. With a focus on not only the initial needs but looking at your whānau long term goals, your moemoeā.

Service Criteria

We will service any Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Hapū member within Tāmaki Makaurau and open to any other community whānau within Central Auckland and parts of East Auckland. For other Uri outside of Tāmaki Makaurau whilst it is difficult to reach you, we may be able to still provide advice and referrals to your local services so don’t hesitate to reach out.


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