Pēpi 0-5

Learn about opportunities and benefits available for our NWŌ pēpi.
  • Te Puna Reo Okahukura

    Te Puna Reo is an accredited early learning centre committed to providing quality early learning for pepī (babies) and nohinohi (toddlers), Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei established the early learning centre, Te Puna Reo Okahukura in 2007.

    Te Puna Reo Ōkahukura

Programmes & Services

  • Ngā Oha are annual grants distributed to support ngā uri o Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei and their education journey from Early Childhood Education to Tertiary. Values of each grant vary based on the level of study. 

    Click here to apply.

  • A comprehensive health insurance policy for all hapū members to improve health and wellbeing. Includes coverage of specialists, GP, professional services and much more. The cost is directly paid to the health insurance company.

    Click here for more information

  • Ōrākei Health Services is proudly owned and operated by Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei. We provide quality general health and medical care for whānau/families living in East Auckland.

    ​Our clinic is situated at the Eastridge Mall in Ōrākei and is an affordable low-cost service with qualified and experienced staff.

    Click here for more information.

  • A Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei iwi investment savings scheme that encourages whānau to save for a better future. Each year $500.00 is contributed towards a savings scheme for each member. 

    Click here for more information. 

  • Tamariki Ora/Well Child is a home-based service offered to tamariki birth to 4 years. Tamariki Ora/Well Child services can support you to protect and improve your child’s health so he/she can grow and develop to their full potential.

    Click here for more information

  • This is a free kaupapa Māori ante-natal wānanga to support hapū māmā and whānau on their parenting journey. The wānanga is for hapū māmā who are registered with Tamariki Ora.  Email tamarikiora@nwo.iwi.nz to find out dates and for more information.

    Click here more information about wānanga.

  • Learn to waiata with our very own Ngāti Whātua tohunga kaiwaiata, Majic Paora or learn to play acoustic guitar with Te Whaiao Manga, experienced, qualified and beautiful guitarist, the partner of Majic Paora.

    Click here for more information