February 2025
Tue25Fri28In-Person Event
Te Matatini o Te Kāhui Maunga
February 25 @ 8:00 AM - February 28 @ 6:00 PMPukekura / Bowl of Brooklands, New PlymouthTe Matatini o Te Kāhui Maunga | 25-28 Pēpuere, 2025
We have a plethora of Ngāti Whātua whānau, uri o Tuperiri competing in this years Te Matatini competition in various rōpū from around the motu. Be sure to keep an eye out on updates on our social platforms!
For all info and the full schedule, click the link here
Sat15In-Person Event
Te Ika a Ranganui Commemoration
March 15 @ 12:00 AM - 12:00 AMTe Ika a Ranginui Commemoration | This year we commemorate 200 years since Te Ika a Ranganui, the most significant battle in Ngāti Whātua history. In lead up to the commemoration, there will be two iwi-wide hui to wānanga about the history of Te Ika a Ranganui. See details below...
Event times are tbc. Keep up to date via your NWŌ e-pānui for more info coming soon.
Thu27In-Person Event
Mahuta - A Matariki Showcase
June 27 @ 7:00 PM - 9:00 PMQ Theatre - 305 Queen Street, Auckland CBD, Auckland 1010Celebrating Matariki with Mahuta - A Matariki Showcase. With performances from our very own whānau, including Katz Maihi and Herbs member Morrie Watene. Whatua Te Ao – 'weaving together the world' is a Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei evening of homegrown music, waiata, haka, dance, storytelling and more.
Mon24Fri26In-Person Event
Ngā Whetū o Matariki ki Te Tōangaroa
June 24 @ 12:00 PM - July 26 @ 12:00 PMMāhuhu-Ki-Te-Rangi park, Te Tōangaroa PrecinctMatariki in Māhuhu-Ki-Te-Rangi park. Come down to learn more about all 9 whetū and the kōrero behind each of the whetū.
Sun23In-Person Event
Te Whakamānutanga Waka
June 23 @ 5:00 AM - 10:00 AMŌkahu Bay, ŌrākeiNau mai e ngā uri o Tuperiri, tātou o Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei ki uta, o Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei ki tai.
Preparations for te whakamānutanga waka, the launch of our new waka, are underway. During the 22nd to the 23rd of June, 2024, there will be an array of hui and wānanga in Ōrākei, in preparation for the official waka launch on to the Waitematā, Ōkahu Bay, which will take place in the early hours of Sunday, 23 June 2024. Please lock this date in e te whānau. -
2024 Pūpūtarakihi Tohu Tiketike (NWO Awards)
June 21 @ 6:00 PM - 11:00 PMThe Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei awards event, Pūpūtarakihi Tohu Tiketike returns, taking place Friday, 21 June, 2024 in the Grand Hall, Ngā Ana Wai (Eden Park).
Wed12Wed26In-Person Event
Matariki Kai Series ki Te Tōangaroa
June 12 @ 12:00 PM - June 26 @ 12:00 PMMāhuhu Cres, Te Tōangaroa PrecinctEvery Wednesday in June join us in Te Tōangaroa as we bring new flavours to the precinct in the form of Kai Trucks!
Wed27In-Person Event
Workforce Development Expo
March 27 @ 10:00 AM - 2:00 PMToitoi Manawa – 75A Felton Mathew Avenue, St Johns, Tāmaki 1072Introducing our Workforce Development Expo!
Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei has joined forces with various stakeholders to hold an expo for whānau and the hapori that focuses on Employment! Come down to the Toitoi Manawa hub and join us for a day filled with opportunity.
Wed20In-Person Event
March 20 @ 6:00 AM - 9:30 AMWhakarongo Pā, at the foot of Te Ara Pūeru in Māngere, Māngere MountainNō te 20 o Poutūterangi 1840, i waitohua ai e Te Kawau rātou ko Te Tinana ko Te Rēweti Te Tiriti i te wāhi e kīngia nei ko Whakarongo Pā. On the 20th of March 1840, our tūpuna Te Kawau, Te Tinana and Te Rēweti signed the Treaty at Whakarongo Pā near present day Māngere Bridge.
I tēnei tau 2024, ka haere tātou ki Whakarongo Pā, ki te pūtake o Te Ara Pūeru ki Māngere, ki te tuku i ngā tangi me ngā maioha ki ngā tūpuna e renarena ai te hononga tapu ki waenga i a Ngāti Whātua me Te Tiriti. This year, we will travel to Whakarongo Pā, at the foot of Te Ara Pūeru in Māngere, to share our love and acknowledgement for our tūpuna and this sacred connection between Ngāti Whātua and the Treaty.
Register here to attend -
Mon26Online EventIn-Person Event
Hauora, Sports & Recreational Centre Whānau Feed-In
February 26 @ 7:00 PM - 8:30 PMTe Pou Whakairo, Ōrākei MaraeNau mai e te whānau. Join us tonight for the 2nd whānau workshop hui. Tonight's hui will again focus on the proposed Hauora, Sports and Recreational Centre. 7pm tonight (Monday 26th February 2024) at Te Pou Whakairo, Ōrākei Marae.