Matariki 2024

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Tērā ia Matariki ka mahuta i te pae

The rise of Matariki in the winter skies above Aotearoa is an important time in the Māori maramataka (lunar calendar) as it signifies the start of the Māori new year or ‘te mātahi o te tau’. For Māori, astronomy is interwoven into all facets of life. Our tupuna would observe the night sky, charting star and planet movements, the relationship of the stars and planets to the moon and sun, while also noting what was happening on the whenua (land) and in the moana (ocean), lakes, and awa (rivers).

Matariki has different names around the world. In Europe, it is called by its ancient Greek name Pleiades or the Seven Sisters. In Hawaiian it is
Makahiki, and in Japan it is Subaru, meaning gathered together. Matariki is a time for people to gather, to remember those who have passed, to celebrate the present and look to plan for the future. 

Keep scrolling to check out the 2024 Matariki event line up. Please join us to acknowledge and celebrate the Māori New Year. Nau mai, haere mai e te iwi.

Te Iwa o Matariki

Matariki is a cluster of 9 whetū (stars). Each star has its own special characteristic which Māori honour and acknowledge.

PŌHUTUKAWA connects us to our loved ones that have passed on.

TUPUĀNUKU connects us to Papatūānuku (Earth) and determines the bounty of food the grows in the earth, like kumara.

TUPUĀRANGI is connected to birds and other elevated foods such as fruits and berries from trees.

WAITĪ is connected to freshwater and the food sources that are sustained by those waters.

WAITĀ is connected to sea water and all that is in that domain.

WAIPUNĀRANGI is connected to the rain that we experience throughout the year.

URURANGI connects us to the different winds and determines the nature of these winds.

HIWA-I-TE-RANGI is connected to our dreams and aspirations.

MATARIKI is connected to the health and wellbeing of people and the taiao we live in.

Ahikāroa refers to the long burning fires of occupation. An enduring relationship with the land across many centuries. Where people  cultivate gardens, cook food, and build homes. Where people raise their children and grandchildren on the same lands. Where loved ones are ultimately laid to rest. Ngāti Whātua have maintained ahikāroa in Tāmaki for more than three centuries. The long burning fires of occupation are alight and steadfast. Since the time of Tuperiri, they have not dimmed and continue to burn bright.

Matariki Ahi Kā, Ngāti Whātua Ahi Kā

Matariki Events

Matariki is a time for people to gather, to remember those who have passed, to celebrate the present and look to plan for the future. We have created a array of events during the Matariki period. There is something for everyone. 

Umu Kohukohu Whetū

We welcome one and all to join us on Takaparawhau in what will be our third year hosting a Public Umu Kohukohu Whetū. Lets gather together to signal the rising of Matariki, to remember those we have lost in the past year, and to plan for the year ahead.

Friday 28 June | Takaparawhau | 5.30am gather for a 6am start.
This is a public and free event, suitable for people of all ages. Bring the whānau. The cultural ceremony will be led by Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei, breakfast provided.

An Umu Kohukohu Whetū is a traditional oven and offering to the stars. To learn more about  Umu Kohukohu Whetū, check out our special resource here. You can even learn how to host your own Umu Kohukohu Whetū whereever you may be, including karakia and waiata.

Road Closures and Parking
There is a  planned traffic management plan in place which will enforce road closures around the whenua to support safety of both people and vehicle movements. Roads will be closed from 3am at lower Kitemoana Street, and from Ngā Oho along Kupe Street towards Takaparawhau. Take a look at the site map for clarity.
Parking will be available to whānau and public at Grammar Tec - 36 Reihana Street, Ōrākei. Shuttles will circulate between G-Tec and Takaparawhau to transport attendees.
The first shuttle will depart G-Tec at 4am, and circulate every 5-10 minutes until the commencement of the ceremony at 6am. Shuttles will resume at 7am.
Hei te Paraire e te iwi. See you bright and early on Friday
For detailed info check out the event page here: