Sexual Health Clinic
Introducing the Toitoi Manawa Sexual Health Community Clinic!
In partnership with Auckland Sexual Health, our new service has opened at our Toitoi Manawa Hub.
What is a Quick Check?
Had sex with a new partner? Just want to have a check-up? Don’t need to talk to a nurse?
Come and have a Quick Check!
Take self-collected tests for the Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI’s) chlamydia and gonorrhoea (and trichomonas if you are a woman/have a vagina).
Quick Checks are not suited for those who:
- People with symptoms
- People who have had sex with someone with an STI
- People who need treatment
Please book in with your GP to ensure you receive the correct testing and care or contact Auckland Sexual Health Service
What is a Quick Check?
Had sex with a new partner? Just want to have a check-up? Don’t need to talk to a nurse?
Come and have a Quick Check!
Take self-collected tests for the Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI’s) chlamydia and gonorrhoea (and trichomonas if you are a woman/have a vagina).
Quick Checks are not suited for those who:
- People with symptoms
- People who have had sex with someone with an STI
- People who need treatment
Please book in with your GP to ensure you receive the correct testing and care or contact Auckland Sexual Health Service
Or call 0800 739 432