Healing Hands Oranga Pai
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Whānau affiliation
Priscilla Ann Bowater-Gudsell (Owner)
About this business
HEALING HANDS ORANGA PAI Priscilla Ann is a Rongoā Māori Practitioner based in Omāpere, Hokianga. Sometimes servicing Whānau in the South Kaipara rōhe. Her Mirimiri, Romiromi and spiritual healing service is very reputable. Rongoā Māori healing helps in the recovery of injury and trauma from accidents and illness. These health practices can also support in helping people with anxiety, mental health, as well as other health conditions. Healing Hands Oranga Pai offers traditional Māori healing through: Karakia, Whitiwhiti kōrero, Mirimiri, Romiromi, Rongoā Raku, Waka Wairua, Honohono. Priscilla Ann has worked in areas of Hauora, practicing and learning the art of healing for 30+ years. She is also a proficient Colour Therapist and Kinesiologist. Healing Hands Oranga Pai is ACC registered and a NIB provider Mobile: 021 052 4344 Email: arohatikouka@gmail.com Bookings Essential