Te Puna Reo Ōkahukura
Te Puna Reo Okahukura (‘Te Puna Reo’) takes its name from a place in the Kaipara Harbour, Tāporapora, that was close to the last ancient whare wānanga of Ngāti Whātua. This centre is committed to providing quality early learning for pepī (babies) and nohinohi (toddlers), Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei established the early learning centre, Te Puna Reo Okahukura in 2007.
Te Puna Reo is an accredited early learning centre that is registered for 50 tamariki and teaches through kaupapa māori worldviews. The Puna offers 20 hours for tamariki 3 years and older and has qualified and experienced kaimahi, many of whom are of Ngāti Whātua descent.

Te Puna Reo Okahukura is a joint early childhood education initiative between Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei and the Ministry of Education. The Puna Reo is part of a long-term kaupapa (plan) of educational excellence for the hapū where knowledge and understanding of te reo māori me ngā tikanga (language and customs) are a foundation