Toi Reo
Autonomous Bi-lingual Language SuiteA synergistic collective of various wānanga, mātauranga and pūkenga
aligned to contribute to a Ngāi Tuperiri voice, and its vitality.
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He Tau Rehua
Weekly Kura Pō Series
He Tau Rehua
Learning a language is the art of making the subconscious conscious again. It is the reawakening of what is already intrinsic in our day-to-day rituals & routines. Te Reo Māori and Tribal Identity is not a course but rather a conscious state of mind and being, constantly being defined, solidified, redefined and improved. It has been passed down through the millenniums until now, this very moment.
Our weekly evening classes are designed to immerse you in the richness of Te Reo Māori and Ngāi Tuperiri histories and gain insights into Maramataka (the Māori lunar calendar). Enhance your language skills and cultural understanding with Toi Reo.
Get in touch!
Email your interest here at and one of our team will connect with you within 24 hours.
Class Options
Level 1 (specific to Toi Reo)
36 Weeks
- Tuesday's 6pm - 7:30pm
- Hybrid mode of delivery
Programme Overview:
Te Reo Tūāpapa is a fully functional set of Language tools that are transparent (at all levels); logical, practical and deliberate, and best of all (according to our whānau) transferable and user friendly.
This hōtaka is intended for learners who have zero or minimal command of Te Reo, as an additional language. The person also may know a few words but can’t form sentences or carry on any type of conversation. This hōtaka is also intended for those who have a desire to contribute positively to the vibration of Reo speakers within the Ngāti Whātua isthmus!
Level 2 (specific to Toi Reo)
36 Weeks
- Tuesdays 6pm - 7:30pm
- Hybrid mode of delivery
Programme Overview:
Te Reo Tūāuri is a natural extension of Te Reo Tūāpapa. It is intended for learners who have a basic understanding and ability in the use of Te Reo Māori. This person can form basic phrases, pose questions here and there, but are still at a starting point of language learning, tying ‘Things Te Reo’ together and are working on more extensive conversations in the language. This hōtaka is also intended for those who have a desire to contribute positively to the vibration of Reo speakers within the Ngāti Whātua isthmus!
Level 3 (specific to Toi Reo)
36 Weeks
- Tuesdays 6pm - 8pm
- Face-to-face
Programme Overview:
Te Reo Tuawhiti is intended for whānau who are ready to advance their conversational abilities. It is for learners who have an intermediate-level understanding of, and ability in, the use of, te reo. It encourages individuals to strive for conversational confidence, and creativity using our practical learning style. We can expect to see a natural transition into Rūmaki Reo – Total Emersion to support the emerging respect for Te Reo as an expression of mana tangata, and mana whenua.
Level 4 (specific to Toi Reo)
36 Weeks
- Tuesdays 6pm - 8pm
- Face-to-face
Programme Overview:
Nau mai e te tini tangata ki te kaupapa huia kai manawa e kīa nei ko Te Reo Tuakiri. Ki konei tātau ruku ai ki ngā pounamu reo e muramura mai nā. Ko tā te hōtaka reo Tuakiri, he whakapūmau i ngā takohanga reo kua whāngai ki te tauira, ā, he tōtō mai ko te mātauranga kei a ia hei arerō mōna ki te ao tūroa.
Kāti, tērā ia te kōrero e mea ana “ko te reo te kai tuitui i ngā tāparatanga o te iwi”. Tuia rā ēnei whakapapa kōrero kia ita, tākina kia mau, whakamaua kia tīna!
Level 5 (specific to Toi Reo)
36 Weeks
- Tuesdays 6pm - 7pm
- Online only
Programme Overview:
Tūātea o te reo
Maranga mai rā e ngā kiriūka o Te Waitematā, ki Te Reo Tūātea o Ngāti Whātua.
Kia whai tokitoki tātou i te rētōtanga o te reo me kore e riro mai ngā taonga matapopore i waiho mai ai e ō tātou tūpuna. Ko te wawata ia, kia whāngaihia atu ngā taonga ki te kahu o te wai e tū wehi kore ai ngā uri katoa i te au tuke, ānō ko te tūātea o te ngaru. Nā reira, waiho atu nā te pene me te pepa, ka kuhu mai ai me tō arero koi, hei hoa haere mōu.
Kotahi nahenahe te paearu mō te tono mai, arā, me mātua puta tō ihu i Te Tuakiri o te Reo.