The first professionally recorded Ngāti Whātua EP featuring Ngāti Whātua Artists.He wai rōreka, he huinga mātauranga
He tuku i te pitomata auaha
He puna ora mō ngā reanga ā muri ake nei
Whatutoto – Songs from the Heart: the first professionally recorded Ngāti Whātua EP featuring Ngāti Whātua Artists!
Majic Pāora has established contemporary Māori music spaces amongst Ngāti Whātua that energise, elevate, represent and perpetuate our identity as Ngāti Whātua through sound and music. The intention of this space is to raise the visibility and presence of Ngāti Whātua throughout Tāmaki Makaurau, throughout Aotearoa and ultimately the world. In collaboration with Te Whaiao Manga, they provide lessons, wānanga, mentoring along with experiences within the music industry.
The compositions of Whatutoto focus on the taiao, a beautiful way for our people to express themselves metaphorically. This EP provides an avenue for both professionally and untrained Ngāti Whātua artists to be recorded and elevate the iwi. We believe Ngāti Whātua breaks new ground with the first “iwi” professionally recorded EP.